Thursday, May 1, 2014

Cadbury Creme Egg Minis

Well, these are delightful. I love Creme Eggs in all their insane, sugary glory and I eagerly look forward to my mandatory one a year (sometimes two but rarely more – they’re just too sickly for me now although I could eat half a dozen in my youth). It is with great interest and fondness that I watch Cadbury trying to expand the brand; Halloween Screme Eggs are intrinsically and emotionally wrong, the Cream Egg bar helps balance the chocolate: filling ratio but it is ultimately overwhelming. The problem with the tubs of Creme Egg ice cream is that Creme Eggs have no flavour. Beyond the chocolate shell they are just sugar, sugar and more sugar. Swirling the filling through misc white (not vanilla) ice cream gets you nowhere and the chunks of chocolate are insufficient distraction. The resulting spoonful is boring and Creme Eggs should not be boring.

But look at these, they’re adorable! The ice cream situation isn’t much improved but size and form wins the day. Like a Creme Egg you have a proper shell, white and distinct yolk and you have the cone to take your mind of the blandness of the ice cream. That is exactly why I am a fan of cups (well, one of the reasons) but a cone is just right here. And, more importantly, you can eat them in two bites. It doesn’t even really matter what they taste like. You don’t eat Creme Eggs because of the taste and these mini cones capture in ‘ice cream’ (using the term rather loosely) form exactly what is most fun about Creme Eggs – the visual hit, the rush of sugar and the deep seated silliness.

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